Results for «peace treaty»

Water Is Our Future - The Jordan - River of Peace?

51m 48s

The Jordan River is the most important source of water for Jordanians, Israelis, and Palestinians. Intensive farming is robbing the sacred river of its water. Since Israel and Jordan signed a peace treaty in 1994, campaigners from an environmental organization have been working across all borders to rescue both the Jordan River and the Dead Sea for the protection of nature and for peace in the region.

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United Nations: Last Station Before Hell

56m 50s

The United Nations celebrates its 70th anniversary in the fall of 2015. Among other innovations, members of the UN devised the novel concept of “soldiers for peace.” But can peace be enforced militarily? The original mission of the United Nations was to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war by maintaining peace and security between states. Now that terrorists and internal conflicts strike far more frequently than traditional inter-state wars, what does international security mean?

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War Matters

50m 08s

War Matters is a character driven documentary by London based production company CY Film Productions. The film chronicles 10 years of anti-war protest in the city of London through the story of Brian Haw, a veteran peace campaigner who challenged the UK Government's Middle East policy for over 10 years. The documentary also examines the British arms trade and the repercussions of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars around the world.

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